我需要機器人歷險記的「英文字幕 」~~

我需要機器人歷險記的「英文字幕 」但是找了好久都找不到...=.=射手網只找到簡體和繁體的到底哪裡有英文字幕呀?
不知道是不是 Robots{26}{51}Legend produced for:|Team Videoloucos of Translation (c) 2005{56}{81}www.videoloucos.com.br|The Largest Community of Legends of Brazil{558}{758}Synchronization|By DARF{1516}{1635}I will be father! Has just spoken|with my wife! My son will be born!{1638}{1724}- I have

leave the road!|- I will be father!{1733}{1779}Congratulations!{1882}{1922}Good luck

Herb!{1931}{1969}Nor think about that!{2069}{2157}- Excuse. I will be father!|- Congratulations!{2200}{2271}I have

Mr. Metz!|Did he/she already hear the good ones new?{2277}{2318}That beautiful day!{2368}{2406}I arrived!{2415}{2495}- I arrived!|- Dear

I feel a lot.{2501}{2560}You lost the delivery.{2576}{2670}But everything well

the more|entertaining it is to set up the baby!{2857}{2947}Robots{3194}{3324}- Dear

I think he/she caught the wrong screw...|- I don't need the manual.{3678}{3761}Push! Push!{4112}{4229}A work of 12 hours.|Will it be that it was worth to the feather?{4233}{4286}Only look for him!{4291}{4415}Rodney Copperbottom! He/she has the eyes|of his/her mother and my father's nose.{4418}{4468}It was good to have kept|those parts!{4475}{4564}I feel that he will accomplish big|done for the world!{4572}{4639}Dear

what does that break is?{4661}{4760}They always put one|he/she leaves extra.{4770}{4817}Did we want a boy

right?{4883}{4940}He/she won't hurt anything

son.{5144}{5207}It is his/her narizinho.|It is yours...{5760}{5812}- Hello

son!|- Will I win new parts?{5816}{5852}He/she goes yes!{5937}{6072}- But they are not brilliant...|- Well

they are used...{6075}{6167}They were given by the|my cousin Jeffrey.{6172}{6221}And they are alone for that year.{6887}{6989}- Father

who is that?|- That is Bigweld.{6993}{7049}The largest robot of the world.{7053}{7118}I thought you went|the largest robot of the world!{7127}{7221}Besides me!|He is owner of the industries Bigweld.{7225}{7299}He invents things that|they improve the life of all.{7308}{7379}- Can I know him/it?|- Clear. Who knows one day?{7385}{7508}- Father

what do you make?|- I work at a chic restaurant.{7526}{7563}I am lava-plates!{7718}{7804}Live of Robot City

|the show of Bigweld.{7898}{7957}He/she walks

father! He/she is losing.{7964}{8042}I am going

Rodney!{8048}{8160}I had to bring work home.|Mr. Gunk is collecting me.{8179}{8269}He/she is now his/her presenter

Bigweld!{8274}{8376}Welcome! I thought you/they would like|of giving a walk in the industries Bigweld.{8380}{8458}There it is the main gate.|And it is very nice!{8525}{8611}- Good morning

Tim!|- Good morning

Mr. Bigweld.{8617}{8676}Tim

who did the main gate close?{8682}{8809}- I thought...|- We never closed the main gate!{8814}{8888}It would be the same as|to end with our ideas!{8893}{8995}Everyday robots come here|to show their new ideas!{9061}{9114}I listen all of them.{9253}{9372}And remember. You don't care|it is done of surpluses or of new parts.{9376}{9450}You can shine

it doesn't matter|of what it is done.{9456}{9503}He is speaking to me

father.{9508}{9569}With certainty


personal.|We will invent!{9778}{9926}But all of the inventions that exist|they were born of a good idea!{10009}{10138}Then seek a need and begin|to have ideas for us to supply such need.{10142}{10228}An idea takes the other and|before you notice...{10279}{10379}you got!|Discover the need and put an end to her!{10383}{10444}It is that

father! I have to seek...{10530}{10579}a need.{10911}{10940}He/she calms there...{11321}{11359}Hello

boy!{11392}{11457}Here they are their 12 year-old parts.{11461}{11499}- They are...|- Second-hand.{11507}{11566}I know

father.|But I don't call.{11584}{11652}They Belong to his/her cousin Veronica.{11672}{11754}You know that her|it is quite popular!{12802}{12922}As soon as his/her warranty ends

|you begin to fall to the pieces.{12931}{13017}- Soon I will be covered with adhesive ribbon.|- Try again


you ended|with all of the problems of that?{13138}{13185}We go there! That goes|to facilitate his/her work.{13190}{13223}I invented for you.{13319}{13409}- Certain

we will try.|- Great! It is now.{13420}{13502}Robot-fantastic

to the work!{14902}{14966}- Copperbottom!|- Mr. Gunk!{14969}{15031}- The one what is this?|- My son invented.{15035}{15118}- The one what is making?|- Mr. Gunk

you scared him.{15164}{15203}He/she is destroying my kitchen!{15248}{15306}- I will stop him/it.|- Not!{15402}{15496}- Was his/her son?|- My father didn't have to do anything with that.{15501}{15567}He is a brilliant boy|and it invented that.{15571}{15624}Clean that mess!{15630}{15703}And you leave of here

inventor.{15706}{15799}You will never be anything besides the|son of a washer of plates.{15806}{15912}Somebody removes that oil of me.|He/she will frighten the customers.{15931}{16016}- Round trip?|- Only departure.{16092}{16143}There it is you!{16147}{16195}I told you that he/she would find him/it.{16205}{16243}It is the maternal instinct.{16244}{16360}He left a ticket saying|that it left of train!{16363}{16432}He/she leaves for there. Catch his/her suitcase

|he/she will go back home now.{16436}{16492}No

mother. I need to do that.{16495}{16621}I am going to Robot City to arrange a job|and to help the father to pay Mr. Gunk.{16624}{16699}Speak to him.|Robot City?{16703}{16781}- You are just a boy!|- I will never be somebody here.{16784}{16863}I want to be an inventor|as Bigweld.{16867}{16903}I want to be somebody!{16908}{17005}You are somebody. Somebody that|he/she won't arise in that train.{17007}{17072}- I go yes.|- Speak to him.{17178}{17238}- A passage for Robot City.|- Where what does think goes?{17242}{17282}Who goes is him.{17286}{17444}- But...|- Rodney

I wanted to be musician in his/her age.{17448}{17596}I played well

but my father|it thought it would not be future.{17599}{17694}Then I ended up being a washer of plates.|I am not complaining.{17698}{17771}But I always said for me same...{17775}{17901}if I could choose again

|he/she would follow my heart.{17929}{17984}You are big

Rodney.{17988}{18029}Never doubt.{18034}{18135}Go to Robot City

|find Bigweld{18138}{18193}and show him their great ideas.{18202}{18314}And Rodney

never give up.{18739}{18790}All the on board.{18885}{18912}Mother...{19222}{19269}I won't disappoint him/it

father.{19278}{19326}You will be proud of me!{19402}{19459}I know that yes.{20742}{20779}With license

it was able to...{20784}{20880}He/she can tell me where they are|the industries Bigweld?{20885}{20983}- Perfect! They are 50 silvers.|- 50 silvers? For the the something?{20987}{21036}For a beautiful picture of his/her first|moment in Robot City!{21038}{21113}Now it is his/her second moment.|They are more 50 dollars.{21118}{21147}Is he/she writing down?{21174}{21256}Help me here! More presence

less pose.{21260}{21329}Inside of you he/she has a model|ready to leave.{21335}{21416}Feel big eyes

|same to the of Japanese drawing.{21462}{21536}- I am adoring!|- I don't want pictures.{21540}{21575}- Doesn't he/she want?|- Not!{21579}{21668}Everything well

the camera is without film.|Does he/she want a map with the houses of the famous ones?{21673}{21704}Where him?{21987}{22046}I am

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