幫我翻譯一下 還有解一下這物理題...
A 1000-W heater is used to heat the room of problem 9.11. If the molar specific heat of air is 5 cal/mole-K
how long will it take to raise the tem-perature of the room from 60 F to 70 F?Assume that the quantity
and pressure of air do not change.9.11題型是The temperature of a gas in a closed container at 27 C is raised to 327 C.By what multiple has Vrms changed? ( PS : 27C=27度C 因為度打不出來 )
莫耳數 n= PV/RT = 1 x ( 7 x 5 x 3 ) x 1000 / ( 0.082 x 300.15 ) = 4266.1596 mol ( 1 m3 = 1000 L )溫度差 = 10 F = 10 x 5 / 9 C = 50 / 9 K升溫所需能量 = 4266.1596 x 5 x 50 / 9 = 118504.43 cal = 496059.544 joule ( 1 cal = 4.186 joule )496059.544 = 1000 x t ==